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Class-Action Vampires

Author of "Civil Blood" (2018), contributor to numerous video games, infrequent blogger at www.christopherhepler.com. I like thrillers, urban fantasy, science fiction, and the occasional thematic point about human nature.
March 2019
reviewed: Celebrating 2400 Years of Fanfic -- The Trojan Epic: Posthomerica
It has always irritated me that the narrative of the final days of Troy wasn't actually in the Iliad or the Odyssey. I was a ...
December 2018
started following:
October 2018
reviewed: Dracula: The Original Flavor
The last time I read Dracula, I was probably 16 or 17, and what I remembered most fondly was that it was eminently readable. ...
Dracula - Bram Stoker
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September 2018
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reviewed: Inception: Like It Says, Just a Beginning
I know I'm supposed to be a little more forgiving of YA vampire novels than ones aimed at an adult audience, but Inception ma...
Inception - Bianca Scardoni
September 2018
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reviewed: Strange Practice: Surgically Done
Vivian Shaw's Strange Practice has most everything I want in an urban fantasy novel. When I read urban fantasies, I want the ...
Strange Practice - Vivian Shaw
September 2018
reviewed: Vampire Wars: Vlad Gets Medieval
When Francis Ford Coppola's movie Bram Stoker's Dracula came out, my Vampire: The Masquerade gaming group debated its merits....
August 2018
reviewed: Game Devs & Others: Tales From the Margins
Game Devs & Others is a collection of essays by game industry veterans who are marginalized in some way. They are black, Asia...
Game Devs & Others: Tales From the Margins - Tanya DePass
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August 2018
reviewed: Dark Prince: Get Some Aloe Vera For That Burning Desire
Dark Prince really likes its male and female leads. Their names are Mikhail and Raven, and they are perfect for each other. I...
Dark Prince - Christine Feehan
August 2018
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reviewed: Blood Kissed: Okay, I'll Bite
"Blood Kissed" follows Lizzie Grace, a psychic descended from witches who runs a café in small-town Australia. There's a nast...
Blood Kissed - Keri Arthur
August 2018
reviewed: The Passage: Vampocalypse Now, or at Least 2008-ish
It's twenty minutes into the future, and an aggrieved FBI agent is rounding up subjects that no one will miss. Twelve of them...
The Passage - Justin Cronin